Thursday, 10 June 2021

Fully paid up.

 I'm now officially a fully paid up member of the Fucarewi movement.

I drive up and down the A4  muttering Where the fuck are we Moored!


Sue in Suffolk said...

Hope you found your boat eventually!

Margie from Toronto said...

You do make me laugh! But I can imagine your dilemma - you need a tall antenna with something recognizable attached! :-)

kate steeper said...

ive lost cars in many a carpark having a boat adds a whole new dimension to this problem

Ellen D. said...


Chris said...

Join the club! Nothing worse than being unable to get where you want to be in a hurry.

Col said...

When my Grandparents moved from the house they had lived in for over fifty years to a bungalow, they seemed to spend their time calling one another, asking "where the hell are you"?
The bungalow had no number and they had been stuck trying to think of a suitable name, so with a flash of inspiration, Grandad named the place 'Wurthelawi', as in 'where the hell are we'!
Can you fit a tracking device to the boat? Something that will beep faster the closer you get!!!

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Oh! How I needed a giggle today...sorry I know it was at your expense. I donhope you found home sooner rather than later.

Oh what joy!

Today Steve has watched the rugby and checked his blood pressure repeatedly. He is doing my head in! He gets very excited watching the rugby...