Thursday, 17 June 2021


 We had a smattering of rain last night but none of the promised thunder and lightening. 

Still it is cooler so Beano is more comfortable and has had a nice long walk today.

Steve is in a foul mood, probably worrying about the car.

I'm looking for some stashbuster crochet patterns, I'm watching some YouTube videos but some of them aren't very clear.

As it's cooler I've tidied a couple of drawers, cleaned the bathroom, reorganised the freezer and next I'm sweeping,and mopping the rest of the floor. Such an exciting life I lead!


My Piece of Earth said...

Sounds like my life under the restrictions we have. Lots of boats. Cute picture of Beano, what is that in the last photo. Loo's or refuse containers in enclosures?

Hard up Hester said...

MPOE, they are bug hotels on the canal side.

Anonymous said...

I give it to you - I couldn't live on a narrowboat - I like the idea of them, have no problem with living tiny but I wouldn't be a big fan of being on the water (I get seasick and have inner ear issues) nor the locks, etc. Now seeing all the views if cruising / towns, etc I would like but that about it. I could live in a true Tiny House no problem (I lived tiny for 5 years in FL in small tiny cottages and loved every minute of it and would go tiny again but my partner wouldn't like it, lol). And even more so since you have so much on your plate with your partner too :) Have a great weekend!!
Dawn Pinnataro, Albany Georgia USA

Chris said...

Lovely photos, Hester. It looks positively idyllic on your stretch of the canal.

Margaret Butterworth said...

I've recently discovered this youtube vlog:

I really enjoy it: maybe you will, too!

Ruth said...


Some hat pattern sources for you.

Oh what joy!

Today Steve has watched the rugby and checked his blood pressure repeatedly. He is doing my head in! He gets very excited watching the rugby...