Sunday, 20 February 2022


Storm Franklin has arrived and we've lost power on the marina. This means there is no water and no toilet facilities.

We have power on the boat as we are using. Our own batteries and we can use our engine if we need to.

We'd already eaten and washed up so the immersion heater had been turned off.

We can read this evening and see what is happening in the morning once it's daylight.


Margie from Toronto said...

Wow! It has been one storm after another lately! Take care - hope the power situation is resolved soon.

Chris said...

You have been taking a beating - things seem bad all through Europe. We've had high winds here too but nothing like yours! Stay safe.

Debby said...

I will be anxious to see a post from you.

Ellen D. said...

hope all will be well soon!

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending hugs. I hope that you're okay.

Col said...

Franklin was an evil swine here too.
Today was recycling wheelie bin pick up day, and some idiots (there's just no other word for them) left their bins out on the pavements overnight!
Our front lawn this morning was covered in rubbish, cans, plastic bottles, newspapers, the lot, and not one bit of it was ours, as our bin was safely stashed in the garage.
I was very nice, picked up all the rubbish and put it in our bin, but if it happens again, I shall be having gentle words with the folk who quite clearly don't mind other people having to clean up their trash!
We're very fortunate, we've not lost power at all, and apart from the canopy over the back door twisting until one piece of perspex popped out, no real damage!
Hopefully the next storm on the list, Gladys will be a long time coming, if at all!
Look after yourselves, and Beano of course, let's all hope for some decent weather soon! X

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...