Monday, 21 February 2022


Franklin is quietening down and now we are being threatened with Gladys, I really hope she doesn't amount to anything. I'm really fed up at not having proper toilet facilities.

Obviously we aren't affected by rise in gas and electric prices as we use mainly solar and the marina haven't put their electric  prices up yet. Smokeless fuel is £13 a bag and a bag lasts 3 days. Calor gas is going up so I'm trying to cook as much as possible on stove as that is lit anyway to keep us warm.

We won't be affected by increased council tax costs but mooring fees are going up. They vary £10 to £30 a night round here but I'm not sure about other places.

I took a photo of the latest crop of molehills.


Debby said...

I'm glad to see your post...but now GLADYS?????!!!! Oy.

Lyssa Medana said...

I definitely do not need a Gladys!

Sending good vibes.

Karren said...

What's a "crop income hill"?

Hard up Hester said...

Madden it should read molehills, I've edited in now.


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.