Thursday, 17 February 2022

 Frugal IE I am definitely Pee'd off, which is why I've not blogged, there is only so many times I can post that I walked the dog and cooked a meal. I even bore myself with my posts! I did try using thicker yarn but still couldn't see.

Lindsey I'm glad your audiology depts are good. We used to have drop in centres but they closed during covid and we've been notified that they are not reopening, everything is appointment only.

Thanks Lyssa, I have bought The Kings Silver but haven't started it yet.

Thanks Chris, I certainly hope so.

PatsyAnne that is very kind of you but my craft cupboards are only empty because I'm giving everything away that I can no longer see to use. I am in the process of organising a library log on via my daughter's account and I will then be able to listen to free books once the cerushields arrive but thank you for your kind offer.

Before Gill left the marina she kindly gave me the contents of her fridge as she didn't want to waste it. There were mushrooms, tomatoes, lentils, new potatoes, three chicken breasts and two cartons of beetroot juice.

We didn't have any damage on the marina from last night's storm but today's is supposed to be stronger, we will wait and see.


PatsyAnne said...

No problem my dear. I find it interesting when you blog about what you cook for the two of you. Also I'm curious about living on a long boat, it sounds challenging, especially if there are two of you. It was so nice of your departing neighbor to gift you with her refrigerator items. Some times people are so good that it surprises us.

Lyssa Medana said...

Thank you so much for thinking of me. I hope you enjoy it and that perhaps it brings you some luck. You deserve it.

I'm so sorry that things are tough. Sending all good vibes and hugs. Take care of yourself and please pass on gentle scritches to Beano.

Lyssa Medana said...

And I'll be keeping everything crossed for you with all this extra weather. Stay safe!

ravylesley said...

Hester what about that really thick wool that you can get these days. My Daughter uses the stuff and believe it or not she uses it to make throws by arm knitting. From what I can gather its like an extreme version of finger knitting. She then sells her throws on Etsy earning a few extra quid for herself. I dont know how bad your eyes are but that wool she uses is really thick and might be easy for you to give it a go. If not the arm knitting maybe you could try some of the super chunky knitting needles

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...