Sunday, 27 February 2022

Gotta laugh

I'm desperately sad and worried about the situation in the Ukraine but there is nothing I can do apart light a candle and pray. Following the stories in the media makes me feel worse so I don't.

Steve has done a couple of  things this week that made me laugh, when I was unpacking the shopping I found he'd purchased a bottle of super special hypoallergenic washing up liquid. When I asked him why he showed me his hands, his skin is in a dreadful state. He though the washing up liquid would be better for his skin. He's washed up twice in the last three months, he rarely does the washing up. He does however pontificate about husband's who don't wash up so he obviously thinks he washes up, mind you, he thinks he walks the dog more than I do, I walk him 4 or 5 times a day, Steve joins me on one of the walks.

The other thing that made me laugh was when Steve asked if I had any money. I replied that I had and I was going to pay the boat insurance this month. He's worried as he doesn't seem to have enough money. I've been waiting for him to say something. 

Since we've lived on the boat he's always paid the mooring fees and I paid for the food. A while ago Steve decided he was going to buy the food, possibly because he wanted more crap in the shopping. I tried to explain that he needed to use my debit card to pay for the shopping but he refused to accept this. Now he's struggling to pay for everything. 

The fact that is that although we have two bank accounts, mind and his, mine is actually a joint account he just can't find the card for it!


Lyssa Medana said...

It's funny how some people 'remember' things. I've long since come to the conclusion that it's not worth saying anything. Those who remember that they've 'done so much' won't be swayed by facts or logic and at least they are happy.

btw I've found washing up gloves and Tesco £1 shea butter handcream (only a small tube, but still) have helped after all the issues that I've had with my skin.

Chris said...

I hope you make sure it stays that way!

Ellen D. said...

You have a lot more patience than me.

Col said...

We're exactly your opposite as far as bank accounts are concerned. We have two current accounts, a joint, and mine! DH's pay used to go into his account, and now his occupational pension does, and we both have cards on the account. My pay always went into my account and now my occupational pension lands there, but I have the only card on that account. I base it on 'what's his is mine, and what's mine is my own'!!!
Seriously, all the monthly direct debits come out of my account, and as we shop online, paying with my credit card, and paying that bill every month, from my bank account, DH appears to pay nothing at all. However, he pays for the car, petrol, and day to day expenses, when we go out, he pays for lunch, bits and bobs for jobs he's doing around the house come from his money, he pays for daily (ish) shopping top ups, the very occasional take away meal comes from his money. In fact we spend roughly the same amount every month, just mine are regular payments and his are incidentals.
When we were young, he was paid weekly, and I monthly, so it made sense for monthly payments to be debited from my account, and now almost forty years later, we still do things the same way, just force of habit I suppose!
As for the number of jobs your Steve reckons he does, it's a man thing! All husbands are basically identical in their ways, they just have different faces so that we can find them in the supermarket!
Hugs to Beano, X


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.