Friday, 11 March 2022

An eventful day

Poor Beano has hurt himself although we don't know how.

On Wednesday he wasn't keen on going for a walk and was groaning and seemed in pain.

He makes little groaning noises if I'm eating Maltesers which he's not allowed or if I'm sitting in what he considers to be his place, but he seemed to be doing it for no reason.

He seemed very reluctant to move and couldn't get on or off the sofa. 

I spent the night on the sofa beside him, I offered him food and water neither

of which he wanted.

At 6am he needed to go out, I lifted him off the sofa and carried him up the steps, no mean feat as he's no lightweight and doesn't like to be carried. He wandered along the grass but he was walking a little stiffly.

I put his breakfast and water on the back deck for him as I then couldn't carry him back down the steps and got him a couple of snuggly blankets  and I sat on the back deck with him. At  7:30 he went out again for another wander about and then returned to sit on the back deck again. Fortunately Steve got up at 9:30 and he carried Beano back down stairs.

Steve and I spent the day making a fuss of him and lifting him off the boat, I went to bed at midday and Beano came and slept beside me. I got up just before 3 as Steve was worried as our Tesco delivery was due and our road was closed but the delivery arrived on time.  Steve had made contingency plans that included walking to the main road with our trolleys and collecting our shopping from the delivery van or diverting the delivery to one of the dd's houses, neither of them were home. I drive him mad because I refuse the panic in this sort of situation, I just assume everything will go ok. He does a grand impression of Corporal Jones from Dad's Army!

Beano can now jump on and off the sofa, is managing the steps very slowly and is being lifted on and off the bed.


JacquieB said...

Poor Beano. I do hope he is better quickly.
A day without food is should not be a problem but he needs to drink. Is he peeing and pooping ok?

Witch Hazel said...

Poor little Beano! I hope he continues to improve xxx

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...