Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Still here

Steve's chiropractor appointment was successful and he wants to go back in two weeks.

We still can't move as some idiot has moored, blocking the bridge, so I'm still struggling to get back on the boat.

The weather is glorious warm and sunny, I just wish I could hang my washing out.

Despite being pain free Steve is biting my head off every time I speak, so I'm keeping silent.


Unknown said...

Sue, thats soooo difficult for you. Stroke patients can be difficult xx Dr

Ellen D. said...

Glad Steve's back is better. Nice you have sunny weather! Relax in the sun while you are stuck there!

flis said...

I do sympathise-Someone here says I talk too much-would you believe-I thought of you when I watch "Canal Boat Diaries" with Robbie Cummings on the tv x

Lyssa Medana said...

Hugs. Hopefully the idiot will shift soon. At least Steve's back is better. I hope that you are looking after yourself as well. Sending all good vibes

Rambler said...

Don't the marina staff deal with anyone mooring in the wrong place? I hope you've left a strongly worded note on the offending boat!

Lola's Mum said...

Yes I have just been watching Canal Boat diaries and think of you don't know how you manage it as it doesn't look easy!

Rambler said...

I watched the 1st of the Canal Boat Diaries today, where he had to clear a lot of blanket weed from his propellors. I can't imagine either Steve or you coping with that, hanging upside down to free the props.
And so many approaches to locks are very narrow - not much room to manoeuvre, especially with a wider boat like yours. It's certainly not an easy life, is it?

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...