Thursday, 3 March 2022


I'm sure you all know that it stands for Not In My Back Yard.

When we returned here in November someone from the back pound was telling me how much she and her husband enjoyed feeding the ducks and swans. I mentioned that I won't feed the swans from my boat when we are in the marina though I will feed them on the cut. I explained that I found the swans too threatening and aggressive. She couldn't see the difference.

A couple of days ago I had to chase off the swans who had her pinned against the side of her boat. Yes they are beautiful but very large and there are currently five of them mum, dad and three almost full grown cygnets. They are also very demanding,  tapping on the windows for food as soon as they spot movement on board.

So I'm a NIMBY, I'm happy to feed the swans but not if they can get close.


kate steeper said...

my other half is known as the swan magnet , he doesnt feed them they just creep up on him at disabled fishing and rifle through his bait bag , i think they know he cant do a lot about

Winters End Rambler said...

Oops...lesson learned the hard way! x

Lyssa Medana said...

Swans are SCARY. Seriously scary, large, strong and aggressive. I don't know if 'swan can break your arm' is a myth, but it's uncomfortably plausible. It's like, 'don't feed gulls'.

Do you think that they will stop now?

Col said...

I have a wonderful photograph of my husband, almost 6'4", and well built, with his arms in the air, trying to get six adult swans to leave him alone. He'd been feeding ducks at Ellesmere, and just as he ran out of food, the swans appeared, and wouldn't go away, apparently they didn't believe him when he said there was no food left!!! They were VERY aggressive, but I couldn't help him, I was too busy laughing at the sight!
Strangely enough, we don't get too close to swans now, and having lived on the coast for all our lives, we never, ever feed seagulls!
We love feeding ducks though, and geese, my Dad kept geese when I was a child, and I just love them, both in a field and on a plate! X

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...