Saturday, 12 March 2022

Prepring to leave

Flis, no Beano is just bruised I'm pretty sure. He's very keen to go for a walk but he tries to walk too far. He's not happy with me as he normally chooses the distance and direction of his walks but currently I'm making the decisions.

We are planning on moving on Tuesday or Wednesday we are only travelling for a couple of hours a day and we have treats planned, fish and chips or a pub lunch. A visit to a new shop recently opened.

 Steve has a tendency to do too much and then make himself ill. So I've listed places I'd like to stop and the reasons why

Today's job is cleaning and filling all the water tanks, we have two extra tanks that we fill when we are travelling. It will take an age as it's the weekend and lots of people will be doing the same thing.


Chris said...

That`s a good way to manage Steve and your energy levels. Hope things worked out OK with the water fill up.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

Maybe a couple of extra shorter easier walks added to the day would give him the opportunity to get a little more exercise and fresh air without wearing him out. I would take him to the vet if he isn't back to normal next week.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...