Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Another trip to the village.

Steve decided we'd go into the village today as he needed some neurofen, he's a real brand snob, no paracetamol or ibuprofen for him, it has to be something with a name!

He claims to need  it for his backache, he's spent the last three days in bed so no wonder he's got backache!

I bought milk and broccoli and from a charity shop I bought three small glass bowl as there are none in the cottage. Steve bought his tablets and then we walked home again, Beano enjoyed the walk. It was a couple of miles,  longer on the way there as Steve to one of his magic shortcuts.

I'm hoping to cook roast beef later as its been in the fridge since Sunday.


Col said...

My husband also has magic shortcuts, or he would have if I let him use them. His favourite thing is driving around and around the car park, until he finds a space he likes, usually as far away from the shops as possible! I mean, it's not as though I walk with a stick or anything!!!
Nurofen cost a fortune, and they have EXACTLY the same active ingredients as Boots own Paracetamol and Codeine. It's brand name snobs who keep the big companies at the top!

Ellen D. said...

We would call them "long cuts" back in the day when my ex-husband would try to find a shorter route.
I love resale shops - glad you found some nice bowls there.

Jaccs said...

I’m so pleased to see you are living on land now, and adapting , do you miss the Canal life at all? I’m glad you have got Beano and he is enjoying his varied short cuts😉😆

ShellyC said...

I wish people wouldn't be brand snobs. Paracetamol and Ibrufen are exactly the same, whatever the label and a fraction of the price

Sue said...

Perhaps buy yourself a pack of Ibuprofen and let him see you comparing the ingredients and the medical code on the pack ... they are exactly the same. But he's a man, so I doubt that would make any difference.

I hate 'short cuts' that go wrong, although I have to admit that in our case I cause most of them!!

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

If Paracetamol goes by the chemical name of acetaminophen it is not the same as ibuprofen at all. People on blood thinners are not recommended to take ibuprofen at all here in the USA, and if codeine is added that is a whole different thing from either of the other medications.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...