Thursday, 8 September 2022

Nothing happening.

We are still having some sunny days but at least we are having some rain too. The grass is turning green and soft instead of being brown and crispy. Beano is happier, his skin is better and not so irritated. He won't take the tablets he was prescribed and he licks off  any cream applied. He improves when the temperature reduces.

I'm getting used to my air fryer and using it in preference to the oven in the cottage. I prefer to cook on gas but it isn't an option here, nor is it an option in the flat when we eventually get there.

Jennie bought some more property purchase paperwork over y'day but everything is taking an age. Partly because there's a threeway lease involved and partly a hangover from Covid.

I'm sure we'll get there eventually but I'm worried about my eyesight by the time we get moved in. I need to master the route out of the complex before I cannot see.

I'm also hoping to find things to join once we move as the bus stop is nearby, as is a park where I can walk Beano. Steve sometimes complains that we gave up the boat for no reason as I'm no better off here than I was on the boat. But at least here my family know where I am and they do visit regularly. I'm seeing the same dog walkers every day and chatting to them too.

I'm quite concerned about my eyesight along with my hearing which is also failing. I know nothing can be done about my macular traction, it was trying to repair it that caused the problem I have now. My hearing problems are caused by vestibular schwanoma but the audiology department of our local hospital won't treat in patients of my age, only people of working age are treated. I can't say I'm enthusiastic about going both blind and deaf!I

I'm hoping once we move I can access more help.


the veg artist said...

There have been two houses 'sold' near me that have taken months and months to go through. As you say, partly a hangover from Covid. In one case it was because probate was taking so long, and the daughters were unable to proceed on selling their mother's house. I think it's the same all over the country.

Anonymous said...

You are much in my thoughts

A Smaller Life said...

We started buying a flat last October ... we're thinking of having an anniversary party for the purchase if we don't own it by October this year. 🥴

Mo said...

Hi, sending love hope and strength to you. I hope you have applied for PIP to help you; you need to apply before you are 65 x Mo

ShellyC said...

Good Luck

Unknown said...

Hi "Hester"
I have followed your blog for many years as a "long-term lurker" and to follow you on MSE Old Style when you were posting on there.
I really feel for your problems and hope you don't mind me suggesting something. I can't remember if you and/or Steve are of retirement age or not so I am not sure whether this may be of use to you or not but had to suggest it. If you are of retirement age there is an allowance called the Attendance Allowance which is paid in 2 rates. The lower rate is £61.85 per week and the higher rate is £92.40 per week for 2022/2023. The form for claiming this allowance is very long and it is better to ask somewhere like Age UK or CAB to help you fill it in so that everything relevant is recorded and in the right way. This allowance is not means-tested.
GPs nowadays have what is called a Social Prescriber usually in each practice or at least in each Primary Care Network which is a group of Practices in the same area. It might be useful for you and for Steve to find out more about them in your area once you get settled with a new GP. They can sign-post you to various organisations in your area on all sorts of subjects. In my area, you have to get a GP to sanction you seeing them but I am not sure if this is so in every area.
I did want to just email you with this information (it doesn't have to be published in the comments section if you don't want to put it there) but I don't know how to do that. I hope you get this message and I do hope it may be of some help to you.
Take care

Debdor said...

Could you pay for the ear operation? If so you should do one of those fund me? pages where people make donations. Get all your fellow bloggers to promote it, and bingo. I just can't believe that our NHS would not make an exception for you...

John Berry (he/him) said...

It is absolutely ridiculous that you could go blind and deaf when the deafness can be treated but the hospital won't.
In your situation you or your daughter could write to the Clinical Commissioning Group. This will show whether the problem is the hospital or them. You could make a case that it would cause unnecessary hardship in your case (well, anyone's actually).
You could also write to your MP about this.

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending all good vibes for the move. God may move in mysterious ways but it's nothing compared to solicitors working on conveyancing.

Anonymous said...

Hester, I am so upset by the things going on in your life. Your losing your sight and going deaf
And because your older you can't get help???
John is right, have someone set up a go fund me account. People would donate to help you. If the doctors in your country won't help,you could
Go to the US or Canada once you had the money.
As for your husband, all I can say is wow.
He feels in spite of you losing your sight you should be on a boat. You have fallen repeatedly.
You were isolated and being verbally abused daily. Plus trying to cook, clean get groceries and help him with mooring,opening locks while listening to him complain endlessly!
How your wrong, how stupid everyone else is?
I think he should go live with the most important person in his life,himself.
I'm so glad you have family to look help you.
I'm wishing for the best for you.

Anonymous said...

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)
The RNIB's helpline is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm and Saturday from 9am to 1pm. The number is 0303 123 9999, with calls costing no more than a standard rate call to an 01 or 02 number. You can also email helpline staff (

flis said...

My lily has ongoing skin problem that doesn't itch - which after tests is an allergy- She has cream and shampoo but is still evident - I use coconut oil on her too x

Debby said...

I am unfamiliar with the health care services in your country, but I agree that this is utterly ridiculous that you should be expected to just wait for your vision and hearing to be lost. I also like how so many stepped forward to give you ideas and services to access. You've got a good group of commenters here.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...