Friday, 16 September 2022

Flu jab

Steve and I went for our covid jabs today, I've lost track of how many we've had now, all that were offered, certainly.

I chose to have a flu jab at the same time, I don't usually bother as I'm not particularly susceptible to the flu virus. I had flu once when I was in my teens and it thoroughly ruined a dirty weekend!

We left here at 12 as although it's only a mile to the surgery, the entire journey is down a very steep hill and up another steep hill. We could have caught two buses but it seemed pointless to do that, so we walked and took Beano with us. We arrived with loads of time to spare but because we had Beano with us, we had to go in separately so the whole thing took a while.

We then walked back and had lunch, Steve had a ham sandwich and I had a bagel with hummus.

Thank you for all the information you have sent me I am very grateful and I'm working my way through it.


Unknown said...

You mentioned previously that the hospital which you come under has retirement age as the cut-off point for the operation you require but you don't have to use the hospital where you live. This link tells you about choosing where to have treatment so it may be possible to perhaps get treatment somewhere nearby. My advice would be to speak to your GP and see what they say and if they are willing to refer you to somewhere else that may have different parameters. I do hope that this helps and that you get some information about your flat soon.
Take care

Lyssa Medana said...

I think getting the flu jab is a good call. I always used to skip it - father was always poorly afterwards and I didn't think it worth it for me. But now I don't want to take the risk of it mixing with Covid.

And Beano got a walk. I hope the hill wasn't too hard on your foot. Please pass on scritches to Beano from me.

Catriona said...

We have ours on 13th October at the same time. It’s in the afternoon so hopefully not too busy. Hope you don’t have any after effects of the jabs. Catriona

Rambler said...

My Covid and Flu jabs will be given on 30th September and it's only a short walk away from my home. I had both jabs together last year with no ill effects so I'm hoping for the same this year. Because I've not been out to mix with people, I assume my immunities are lowered, so I daren't risk either Covid or Flu.

Joyce said...

We got our flu jabs this past Monday. It was a comedy of errors at the pharmacy…computer down, cranky, untrained employees. Everyone complains about the place but it is the only pharmacy within 20 miles, any direction.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...