Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Life in limbo

 There is still no news on our flat purchase, every month we stay here is eating in to our savings.

Thank you for all your kind comments, Steve seems to feel much better here than he did on the boat, life is easier for both of us.

Flis, I'm sorry to hear about Lily.

Thank you to the unknown poster who has posted the RNIB information.

Thank you to Angela who has listed information about benefits that may be available, I'm already 70 though Steve is younger, so I will look into claiming as soon as we are in our flat.

Debdor, it seems to depend on where you live, the hospital I come under has retirement age as the cut off point.

John I will look into it once we are settled, we do not have an address at the moment as we are in an Airbnb until our flat purchase goes through.

Lyssa thank you for your kind comments.

And on to the Queen, I'm not a royalist but apart from that I will keep my opinions to myself, I would no more queue to see her than I would fly.

I walked a bit too far today, Beano's walks have been shorter recently as one of my toes is giving me grief, I'm sure it will settle down soon. Beano can easily walk 4 or 5 miles but I'm currently struggling to walk 2 miles, nemmind it's the joys of getting old.


Sue in Suffolk said...

Really Hope you get into your flat soon so you can get settled and sort everything out. I'll keep fingers crossed for you.

Lyssa Medana said...

I hope that your toe gets better soon. It can throw off all the joints in the leg. Sending good vibes and gentle scritches for Beano. x

Ellen D. said...

Hope you find out about your flat soon. At least you are safe and comfortable where you are at.

John Berry (he/him) said...

Just one more thought about your ears, which I just thought of. If it turns out it's just your hospital that won't operate on people over working age and others will, you have a right in the NHS to choose where you get treatment. You can simply ask them to refer you on or ask your GP to refer you.
The official bit is here:

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...