Tuesday, 28 February 2023

A walk in the park.

I try to ensure Steve joins me for one of Beano's walks every day. He refused for the first few weeks we were here but has started to join me sometimes.

Steve has hurt his back, I'm not sure how bad it really is but he's certainly complaining a lot. Currently he is complaining that I walk too fast when he comes out with me. In between these complaints he tells me how he'd prefer to go on a 10 mile walk. I've suggested he tries a few longer walks but it seems he can't as it would upset Beano.

He is still complaining about where we live and keeps looking at boats to buy. I expect he'll start viewing boats with a view to buying one soon. It will keep him occupied for a while and the marinas will soon cotton on and stop him wasting their time.

Apart from these problems, life goes on as usual.

We have seed trays around the flat with seedlings in, a rose bush waiting until the threat of frost is past and then it can be planted out. I

Steve is watering Harry's next doors plants as he is away for a couple of weeks and we are storing his post too.

I'm going out on Friday with both my daughters and on Monday to a pop up restaurant, Monday's meal is Mediterranean seafood and in aid of a homeless charity.


Ellen D. said...

It is so nice to get out for a walk now that the weather is warming up a bit. Enjoy your night out with your girls!

Col said...

I'm hoping for you that the warmer weather which (hopefully) comes with spring makes Steve a bit less miserable and sulky!
If he wants to view boats, fine, it'll occupy him and get him out of your hair every so often. Of course, he can't actually progress towards buying one, so it's a harmless hobby, until the boatyards and marinas get tired of him!
He's not capable of understanding why the flat is so much better than the boat, for both of you, so he's never going to enjoy living there, but it was too dangerous for both of you to be living on water, so he's just going to have to put up with it!
You moved into the flat at a difficult time though, cold, dark, miserable winter weather, it doesn't inspire anyone, least of all someone with a stroke-damaged brain. As he used to like sitting outside chatting to passers by when you were on the boat, hopefully, when the weather improves, he can sit outside and 'Shanghai' folk as they pass!
If he keeps chunnering on at you about wanting to walk ten miles a day, try to go for a bus ride to somewhere ten miles away and threaten to leave him there. He might realise then just how far ten miles is! You couldn't walk ten miles anyway, you'd wear your little leggies away to nothing!
We've got trays of seeds on window ledges around the bungalow, although as yet it's still so chilly up here in the 'frozen north', it'll be a while before anything actually gets planted out. The potatoes are outside though, they're tough enough to stand the weather!
Have a (((((HUG)))))!
Take care,
Col X

Blackjack said...

You have a very popular and useful blog. Thanks for your work.

flis said...

It seems to me that with a bit of determination your life is much brighter x

flis said...

It seems to me that with a bit of determination your life is much brighter x

Lyssa Medana said...

I'm not even thinking about seedlings and planting out for another month. Apart from anything else we have squirrels in abundance so I'm not sure about keeping the stuff safe.

Hopefully the garden will keep Steve occupied.

Sue said...

My hubby spent months poring over narrowboat adverts and visiting boats last year with a view to buying one and then he finally admitted to me that he had never actually been on one. It only took a one week holiday on one last year for him to realise that he didn't want to actually live on one after all.

Now he's looking at buying land and building log cabins ... I'm just keeping quiet!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...