Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Bobbing along

Steve is still cooking for himself and I'm cooking for me, he's not happy with this but it was his choice. He would like me to master the art of cooking ready meals and I've refused.

I'm no longer attending the daily get togethers in the summer house as Steve has decided he wishes to attend. We can't both go as we don't want to leave Beano on his own. In the summer the meetings are in the garden and Beano can come too. I currently can't hear so I wouldn't attend anyway. Maybe by the time Steve loses interest, my hearing will have improved, or maybe this is what I have to get used to.

The complex manager has left, she only started when we moved in but she was heard having a shouting match with a member of staff in the car park a few days ago. We are gradually getting work done on the flat, hopefully it will be finished before a new incumbent is hired!


Lyssa Medana said...

Hugs. Please pass on gentle scritches to Beano.

Are you able to encourage Steve to clean up after himself?

Take care.

flis said...

This all sounds very similar to the situation here -since retiring he doesn't like me interfering with his laundry- even though for well over 30 years no complaints - Also kitchen sink replaced with double sinks which he prefers with his premium washing up liquid on one drainer and cheapie on my side! -Mine also I have found out has visited mutual friends and my relatives 'very concerned' about Me x

Ellen D. said...

Sounds like you are working things out bit by bit. Hoping Spring weather will get you out and about more soon.

Chris said...

Too bad about missing the meetings. Maybe you could suggest alternating or taking turns with Beano. Hope you can work something out as human contact is very important even if you have trouble hearing.

Ann T said...

I have a cochlear implant , given in 2016. It is a really marvellous thing, and I am no longer excluded from life. I think you would benefit from one. x Ann

Yellow Shoes said...

Meeting up with other residents on alternate days to Steve sounds like a good idea - its quite important that you see other people I think, even if you're not that bothered either way. Take care.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...