Thursday, 23 February 2023


We turned the heating off for a few days but we turned it on again when the temperature dropped, it's going to be -2 tonight. We only use the heating in the living room, neither of us likes a warm bedroom.

I'm managing 6000 steps a day it's not much but it's better than nothing.

Steve has started taking an interest in gardening, long may it last, it's better than just sitting in his chair and sulking. I'm trying to get him to walk Beano with me once a day. He spends most of the walk telling me he'd like to walk 10 miles a day, he managed 2000 steps a day when he walks with me.

Tomorrow he's out with a friend and we have a Tesco delivery, Saturday evening I'm going out for a meal with DD1. Life is just one long whirl of excitement.

We've had a visit from a grumpy neighbour, he told me that Beano isn't allowed in the garden. I said that he was. The neighbour informed me that since he'd been here 9 years it was up to him to make the decision and he'd decided that Beano was not to go in the garden. I told him to fcuk off and shut the door on him. I'm happy to abide by the HA rules but not one stroppy resident. Beano doesn't go in the garden, but he will from now on!

Oh the joys of communal living, I'd been warned that this particular resident is a bully, he got short shrift from me.


Lyssa Medana said...

I don't know how anyone can object to Beano! Please pass on gentle scritches.

Gardening will keep Steve moving and hopefully give him something to focus on.

Sending hugs x

Marlane said...

Good for you I would have done the same. You stood up for yourself and Beano. What kind of garden is it Flowers or Vegetables or both ?

Jaccs said...

You always get one 🙄I hope you don’t encounter his wrath too often,silly old Sod, I would set Beano on him Grrrrr!!!!

Poppypatchwork said...

Well done you for standing up to a bully

Sue said...

Good for you. Standing up to him straight away is the only way to cope with such a bully. I hope you drew yourself up to your full 'minus five foot' height and completely intimidated him.

Ellen D. said...

I am glad you stood up to this bully! You take good care of your Beano!

ShellyC said...

As long as you pick the dog poo, which you do. He has no right to say anything.
I'd be walking under his window every day

Nelliegrace said...

Well done you. I hope you will follow it up with a letter informing the HA, because this bully has a history. Get your side of the interview documented, dated and witnessed if possible.
Nasty people can be vindictive.

lindsey said...

Bravo! I admire you so much for how you dealt with neighbour. Keep it up 👍

Rambler said...

Are there any other dogs in the complex? Maybe the bully found a 'deposit' in the garden and assumed it was from Beano. Even so, he has no right to make up his own rules, no matter how long he's lived there. Horrible man!

flis said...

I would keep a diary just in case he tries to harass you x

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...