Sunday, 19 February 2023


Thank you for all your comments, Steve is irritating but never aggressive. I meant my marriage vows when I made them and for now I stand by them. If Steve were to leave that would be his decision. I wouldn't tolerate any aggression but as I say Steve some times has a rant but these are mostly caused by  Steve's confusion, depression and frustration.

If we split up, we would neither of us would be able to live in comfort, we'd both have to move to a rented bedsit and I'd have to give up Beano which would be heartbreaking.

I've had a few weeks of feeling feak and weeble as my dad used to say but I've had two consecutive good days with no wobbly legs.  My eyesight is deteriorating, I have glasses issued by the hospital to counteract my double vision so I wear them when I walk Beano. I have macular traction in both eyes, surgery failed and left me with incipient cataracts and a split retina. My hearing is failing too but there is nothing that can be done so I keep buggering on.


flis said...

Yes I understand - I think I may aggravate mine by trying to help when he is "stressed"(his words)-But really it's best for me to ignore him and busy myself elsewhere - I think to myself "I'm not a professional and its beyond me to fix him" and have to be selfish as I have hemiplegic migraine x

Moira said...

I wish you well and that you have the strength to keep carrying on, Steve is extremely lucky to have you. I find when things are getting me down and life is to much I go out usually for a walk and phone my daughter and have a right old moan, by the end I feel better, take a deep breath and start again. I put my foot down a few years ago, I said I can cope with husbands mild depression and help him with it, but do not blame me, things have got better since then. He still occasionally suffers from mild depression but no longer picks a fight with me, to give him an excuse to feel miserable, but now he tells me how he is feeling. I hope you find a way to be happy.

Ellen D. said...

One day at a time as "they" say! You are doing the best you can and I admire that.

Ann T said...

Ask your audiologist about a cochlear implant I had one in 2016, when I had lost most of my hearing, and it has been a lifesaver. Take care. Ann

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending hugs

There are no easy answers, but I'm glad that at least you have had a few good days. Take care and please pass on some gentle scritches to Beano.

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...