Wednesday, 31 July 2024

It's like living with Alf Garnett

 Ever since the election Steve has been in full on rant mode.

He is driving me mad, yes I know it's annoying that he will lose his winter fuel payment but yelling at me isn't going to help.

I'm horrified by the amount he spends on Tesco every week, especially on beer but if I can save money from my pension then it's his choice to spend all of his and then some.

Steve wants lamb chops for tea, he bought a pack of eight and froze them without splitting them. I managed to split the pack, otherwise he'd ha e eaten all eight. He doesn't eat veg so he eats large portions of meat.


flis said...

I do sympathise with you - I find myself tutting at your beloved as he seems very much like mine -Mine has a very sweet tooth ( no teeth though - I think that's why) and buys far too much sugary stuff which I think is a waste - He's upset about the winter fuel payment too and is complaining -I'm avoiding his moaning best I can x

Anonymous said...

Well unfortunately in these economic times we all must cut back.
Since you lost your fuel allotment you'll have to cut back somewhere. Time for him to sober up and man up.
He's the one spending every penny on beer,junk food and expensive clothing and large screen TVs
He's going to have to cut back.
I feel so sorry for how your forced to live honey.

Anonymous said...

to the anon saying that we must all cut back, how do you feel about the likes of amazon, paying next to no tax, not trying to argue, just wondering,

Rambler said...

Can Steve claim Pension Credit? If he can, then he will have his fuel allowances back. I hope for your sake this will happen. I don't know how I'd manage without that help from the government.

Corinne said...

I will receive my very first state pension payment in a week's time. I had to wait until I turned 66 and my husband and I won't get the winter fuel allowance either! I'm thinking I will just have to keep on making do and mending as my grandma told me when I was little. I had a practice today making a tiny fire with a flint and some cotton wool. I did ok at it, so I'm going to see if I can cook on the base of my Kelly kettle to save some electricity!!!
Keep on keeping on everyone.😉

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...