Friday, 26 July 2024

Still here!

Still buggering on.

Steve decided to buy a humongous TV it's a 50 inch, allegedly he bought it so I could watch TV but when his friend Bob did the set up he's done it without subtitles. So although I can watch the TV I can't hear what people are saying so I can't follow what's happening. Nemmind, worse things happen at sea.

The weather is getting warmer for the next few days, Beano will not be happy. He prefers the cooler weather.

I'm trying to improve my diet but mainly failing. I did make some roasted cauliflower and red pepper y'day that was delicious.

Today I'm going to cook some chicken drumsticks on a bed of green beans and cabbage. Steve is going out with one of his brothers so I will cook it then. Steve doesn't like me using the oven, he wants everything cooked in the air fryer.


Anonymous said...

I think you could go into the set up in the TV programming and set it for subtitles? I stream my TV through my internet and ROKU and I can set up subtitles in each of the programs (Netflix, Youtube, etc). Or maybe Bob needs to come back (LOL) and correct the set up!!! Good Grief !!! Dawn P.

Anonymous said...

Oh, well he can certainly cook all HIS meals in Air Fryer - you DO live in the house so cook away in stove. Too bad for him. Dawn P.

Ellen D. said...

I was going to say what Dawn said. I program for captions and it isn't that difficult to do. Ask a friend or one of your kids to show you how.

Rambler said...

Tell him you might use the air fryer a bit more if it was cleaned regularly after every use. (Particularly after cooking his revolting chicken wings!)

Donna said...

I agree with the's easy to turn on captions in the settings.

Anonymous said...

There should be a button on the remote - might have SUB on it, hope you can find it and enjoy the TV. There will also be a setting for audio description which is great for those with limited vision as it explains the action. Button may be AD

Marie Dybing said...

Best wishes to you we admire your positive attitude you do not let things get you down The big screen will be great once it is sorted. And it is good Steve is thing thinking of you☺️

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...