Monday, 29 July 2024

Oodles and Poos

On every dog walk Beano and I meet many dogs, especially Oodles and Poos. 

I have a neighbour who has a Maltipoo and a Cockerpoo. She paid thousands for the pair of them. 

There are numerous similar dogs around, there are many Labradoodles and my personal favourite which the owner tells me it is a Dalmadoodle.

Another neighbour had visitors yesterday, they brought their dog with them. It's a Cavapoo  and boy was it noisy. It barked non-stop from the moment it arrived until it left. My poor neighbour was exhausted.  She was full of apologies when I saw her afterwards. Though what she could do about it I'm not sure.

My daughter visited last week to collect our TV, she brought her dog with her. He almost filled the flat, he is a Boxer/Staffy cross, he's huge but daft as a brush. Beano grumbles at him all the time.


jabblog said...

You never know what you're going to end up with with these cross-breeds - size, temperament, health issues. I'm sure responsible breeders check such things, but there are too many 'hobby breeders' who don't really understand.

Having said that, we came across a delightful Cavapoo the other day, a proper dog with proper dog manners.

Sue said...

Remember when most dogs were just 'mongrels', otherwise known as Heinz 57 dogs, and just the posh few were pedigrees. They were a lot healthier back in the day and I guess the need for groomers was a lot less as most dogs shed their coats naturally instead of needing 'stripping' every 8 weeks.

M McCarthy said...

As long as the doggie is loved and well cared for…who cares about breed!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...