Tuesday, 2 July 2024


Our site has a new owner, the previous company decided they wanted to concentrate on their rental portfolio.

So we are now owned by a company that only deals with owned properties.

There has been much excitement amongst the residents here, many expecting a return to having a full time manager on-site. An on-site cafeteria and laundrette were also hoped for. Some were hoping to have the call system updated. One resident wanted me removed as she feels the flats should be for Christians only. The mad cat lady wants all pet owners apart from herself removed as her cat doesn't like having other pets on-site. Some people are worried that the bills will treble overnight.

Steve is again pushing to move as he believes the costs will soar.

What we have been told so far is that we will share a manager with eight other sites, the manager will visit occasionally but will not live on-site. The call system is being removed completely as most residents have a mobile phones. There will be much muttering on-site as people realise their wishes are of no interest to the new owners.


Rambler said...

Marvellous that so many rumours abound at the slightest hint of change in the offing. As you say, the new owners are not in it to enhance the lives of those on site; they are looking for profits. Best to hang tight and wait & see what changes will happen. Maybe none!

lindsey said...

Your post made me smile as it reminded me of managing staff at work. Everyone has a different opinion, perspective or demand. None of which will be taken into account by the next managers. I hope that it will work out well for you. I hope that you are feeling better. Best wishes from Northern Ireland, as always x

keth said...

... why am I reminded of that old sitcom from the 1990s, 'Waiting for God'?

Seriously. Hope things settle down for you - both on site and with Steve....

Yellow Shoes said...

You've had to tolerate a lot but hearing that another resident wants you removed because of religion is really taking the biscuit!
As others have said, hang on in there, it may flush out some of the stranger people; if Betty stays you've already got a good friend living nearby.

Karla said...

It has to be hard to be on guard, and left to wonder your fate at the hands of others. May the Force be with you.

Ellen D. said...

Hope the new owners turn out to be good ones! Some of your neighbors sound a bit wacky! ;)

Anonymous said...

Maybe they could have an on site lock down psychiatric unit. It certainly seems you need one there.
They could start with Steve who certainly is worse than the crazy cat women!

Cheryl said...

Love the cat lady and her entitlement.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...