Sunday, 30 June 2024


I'm still coughing, still knackered and still sleeping on the sofa.

I'm feeling ok though, no temperature so I'm past the worst.

Betty took me out y'day, the traffic was snarled up everywhere, possibly because the M4 eastbound  was shut.

This meant we didn't go far but it was nice to get out. We went to Waitrose as Betty likes their double yolked eggs. Then we had lunch at a nearby pub, it can be a bit iffy in the evenings but is ok at lunchtimes. Betty had steak and saved some for Beano, I had macaroni cheese, it was very tasty.

Next week Betty and I are attending the funeral of the resident that died.

We have seed trays full of plants adorning every flat surface. I've no idea where Steve is going to plant them there is really no room in the garden.

He told me y'day he's going with his friend to watch the BrItish Grand Prix, so that will be a peaceful weekend for me. The cost will have to come out of the savings but it will be worth it for the peace.

I'll pay for it afterwards I'm sure as he'll be in a  bad mood when he returns, I shall just ignore him.

He's just got up and discovered that he purchased the wrong bacon last time he shopped, that's today ruined for him!


Chris said...

I like your philosophical attitude to all life's little inconveniences. Just stay positive is my advice!

Louise G said...

Possibly covid? The strain going around at the moment seems to be like a cold - but with a lingering cough and fatigue for several weeks.

Rambler said...

The F1 weekend will make a BIG hole in your savings - I've always dreamed of going as I'm a longstanding F1 fan but the prohibitive cost has always made it an impossible dream. Your husband has very expensive tastes! I hope you treat yourself to a sumptuous meal while he's away

Anonymous said...

This makes me very ,very angry.
You have to account for penny you
spend. You're not allowed to make friends, socialize. If you do he ruins it.
Do yourself a favor tell him the truth .
Tell what the neighbors really think of him.
I wish I lived near you.
I would take you out to shop,get your hair done.
Let you stay at my house to get away from that abusive sorry excuse for a man.

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...