Saturday, 1 June 2024


There was a BBQ held on-site y'day for Pat's birthday.

Steve did the BBQ at Pat's request and it all went off very well.

Unfortunately I found it exhausting, not only was I up and awake from 3 a.m. it was shopping delivery day so Steve was awake and pacing from 9 a.m.

He went from panicking about the shopping to panicking about the BBQ. By the time he'd cooked the food on the BBQ I was dizzy with stress and exhaustion.

The weather stayed dry but it wasn't warm so everyone stayed in the summer house whilst Steve cooked outside. I felt it better that I stayed outside with him rather than leave him on his own. 

I have no plans today but Steve is up and about so he must have something planned.


Sooze said...

Hope his plans don't have any detrimental effects on you! My OH is being very obsessive about things lately, which is very wearing.

Chris said...

At least the BBQ went off ok, life is very difficult for you with Steve, strokes can be so destructive.. You cope so well.

flis said...

For a while now mine gets angry about the odd splash of water on the stainless steel draining board - yesterday he wanted to know - why had I had left the washing up liquid bottle on the draining board rather than by the taps - I did tell him and added - keep away from me x

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...