Thursday, 13 June 2024

Sick as a parrot.

Steve's not well, he thinks he caught what I've had for the past couple of weeks.

I have hayfever which I'm sure isn't contagious. Steve hasn't got a temperature so I think he probably just has a cold.I

He has gone back to bed and drawn the curtains. He went bed at 6 y'day evening and got up at 11:30 so he's been up about an hour. I took him a cup of coffee, I'm not totally heartless.


Anonymous said...

Most likely, whatever he caught, maybe a cold and/or COVID, he caught the wedding trip. But of course, he thinks he has caught...your hay fever.

I give it to you, girl...he would have pushed my last nerve a long time ago! But, I get it - I actually allow my EX husband to 'room' in my home; otherwise he would be homeless and he is a veteran who gets nil assistance from the government, he suffers PTSD and has a bit of disability in his left foot. But he knows not to push my buttons too far or he is OUT, lol. I call him my roommate, who does my laundry (I still work fulltime) and keeps the house reasonable clean, and cooks for us both several times a week. I am looking forward to the fact he will collection social security soon, and he can pay a small 'rent' to me.
Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

flis said...

That's very good of you - Today mine said he's not very well too - I asked what were his symptoms in case I need to call for a paramedic - He pondered and then said " apathy " x

Carole R said...

I don't think hay fever is catching! Really?! He has caught a cold I would think.
Even when I take anti histamines I don't sleep for that long.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...