Friday, 7 June 2024

Neighbours and idiots!

One of our residents popped in to see me this morning, she was very upset.

She'd put up some bunting to celebrate D Day and some bugger had complained. She asked if it was me, as she knows I'm pagan she thought I was maybe a pacifist. I assured her it wasn't me, my dad fought in the war.

She's now worried if people will complain when she puts Christmas decorations up. I've offered to help her!

We have 26 flats here and a few people think they are more entitled to their opinion than others.

Residents are allowed to complain anonymously and they do, repeatedly!

The phrase 'Get a life'  comes to mind.


Anonymous said...

Agreed! Nothing more irritating them self-righteous 'KARENS" who feel they are entitled to complain about EVERYTHING. This includes the NOSY NEIGHBORS who are think they are entitled to make new rules because they "don't like something another neighbor has, or the way the other neighbor's garden, house color whatever looks like - because KAREN doesn't like it and thinks SHE knows what everyone else should do or like!

This is also one of the reasons I would never live anywhere that has a Homeowners Association! Never.

Dawn P. Albany GA USA

Corinne said...

Exactly! Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but unless your housing rules say otherwise, it's nobody else's business, in my opinion!

Sue in Suffolk said...

I reckon some people are so bored with their life that they have to find something to say about everything just to liven things up.
Carry on regardless would be my motto!

Anonymous said...

Does the complainant not know what the D Day celebrations were for? Do they live in their own self serving bubble? That is one person not worth the sacrifices made. One can only hope they get their come-uppance. Appalling. Pollie

Sooze said...

What a pain in the bum some people can be - as if their opinion is the only one that counts.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...