Thursday, 27 June 2024

How mortifying

Steve makes no secret of the fact that he thinks I'm old, fat and boring.

This doesn't really bother me, I must have very high self esteem.

I'm 72, overweight but not carrying as much extra weight as he is. I agree that I'm boring but I'm very limited now with what I can do. 

I'm  mainly polite and helpful to my neighbours but I'm limited by my deafness and failing eyesight. I'm a lot more 'on the ball' than some of my neighbours. 

I refrained from punching the neighbour who told me that it was ok for men to drive into their 80's. But that women should stop driving when the reached 60,  as they no longer had the intelligence to drive! He seemed to think that was why I no longer drive.

Steve goes into the garden most days, ostensibly to water his hanging baskets, usually about 2:30.

I sometimes go over to the summer house at 3 o'clock to socialise, this I did y'day.

After about 10 minutes Steve came over to join us. As he walked over one resident commented that he's only managed 10 minutes before joining in.

I didn't realise until I spoke to Betty afterwards that Steve never joins in with the afternoon meetings unless I'm there. It's become a bit of a standing joke with the regulars that he feels the need to mark his territory this way. He always insists on sitting next to me and I'm aware that I'm less chatty when he is there as he is very critical of my conversation.

I was feeling very mortified, partly because of Steve's behaviour and partly because I didn't notice it, but I'm not going to stop joining in because of him. Although the other residents find it amusing they don't seem to feel it is my fault.


Sooze said...

I don't think you've got anything to be mortified over. My OH also comes over and butts in if he sees me talking to anyone, he then totally takes over the conversation so I leave him to it and go and do something else.

Anonymous said...

Next time when gently arrives make a point of leaving the meeting. Something to do with an urgent matter to deal with which you forgot about, if he follows you home.... pop back to re-join the meeting (two can play that game as the song goes)then see what he does next. Sorry hon, but this nasty bloke needs taking down a peg or ten. Sending hugs, Sandra

the veg artist said...

That reminds me of a boss I had years ago. In large meetings he would tell me to go and talk to someone so that he could join me a few minutes later and I could introduce him, and then I could move on. He was outwardly confident and authoritative but not at all confident underneath, almost shy, unable to introduce himself. Perhaps there's some of that going on here.

flis said...

How very "irritating" - I know the feeling only too f****** well - When I was younger I was only a little vexed - Now I am chuffing p ****d - He flipping well hates me interrupting him or stealing attention from him - Once the nutter just after he retired - siddled up to me and a friend on holiday chatting - threw himself on the ground and kicked his legs in the air like a baby! - I think it's connected to him retiring and turning into his delightful mother - Just saying x

Corinne said...

At least your neighbours can see what's going on. You might have more support than you thought!

Meanqueen said...

I always find your take on life, and your methods of coping, very refreshing.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...