Saturday, 2 June 2018

A post of odds and sods.

It's very warm and sunny here, I'd like to sit outside but my hay fever is in full swing. Also one of next doors dogs thinks he owns the field and gets upset if there are too many people around.

Yesterday I did a litter pick as I crossed the field to my car, it's not my litter but I don't like seeing in so I picked it up.  The problem was what to do with it once I'd collected it. I put it in the bin outside the nearest supermarket.

CHS has gone to meet his 13 year old friend for a beer and a burger, his friend is actually 60, same age as CHS but he's never got past the stroppy teen stage.

There have been a few boats passing, a couple of canoes and some swimmers. There have been walkers and cyclists along the towpath and some small planes flying overhead.


justjill said...

Good for you doing the litter pick. I do it every day when on the Prom. Sorry you have hayfever. Its just too hot for me, me lungs shut down.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I am forever picking up litter, especially when the binmen have been. They are worst for leaving what they drop behind.

Elaine said...

We should form Litter Pickers United! I pick litter too. One relatively short stretch of country lane regularly yields energy drink cans, vodka bottles, lots of chocolate bar wrappers, fast food packaging, half eaten buns, and once there was a whole wodge of lottery tickets, of course I had to check them before I disposed of them - no luck - but best of all, I recently found a five pound note.

I hope your hay fever soon quietens down.

The Weaver of Grass said...

You make it all sound such a vibrant area.

TrishWish said...

I am a litter picker upper too! We rarely fill any of our bins so I don't mind a little bit extra. Its the beach picking up I have a problem with - very few bins around the (expensive) car parks! Round the village here it is mostly drink cans/cups apparently modern humans can't function unless they are consuming some over sweetened liquid constantly. A peculiarity of modern life that currently puzzles me.

Chris said...

It's nice to have a good friend regardless of their odd personalities. Sometimes I have to bite my tongue and remember all the kind things they do for me!

Winters End Rambler said...

Does any man progress through puberty? x

Hard up Hester said...

Chris, this chap is rude and stroppy to me, he's never done anything kind for me or anyone else.

Winters, no probably not but some of them do learn how to be polite.

Rambler said...

I'm surprised at anyone swimming in the canals, to be honest. They always look murky and I've seen so much rubbish dredged out of them, I'm surprised no-one has been hurt. Bicycles, shopping trolleys, lengths of tangled ropes, sacks of rubbish . . . yuk!
It looks as though the hot weather has brought out the crowds! (Well in contrast to your usual quiet area.)

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...