Tuesday, 12 June 2018


No, not me I'm thinking about other boaters. They seem to fall into two camps, those who are laid back and relaxed and those who bought a boat thinking it would make them laid back and relaxed.

There is a couple on the K&A who seem to fall out with everyone. They post long Facebook rants on the canal boat pages, about every boat that passes them for either going too fast or slow, the crew wearing the wrong sort of hat, or being a hire boat. They complain bitterly almost every day about someone or something.

There are a few charity boats on the K&A some take disadvantaged children some take people in wheelchairs, these boats are particularly hated by the grumpy couple.  

They also hate dog owners, cyclists, anyone whose boat is bigger or shinier than theirs, the list is endless. I'm really not sure why they live on a boat. Though the wife did tell me once that she considers herself to be a cut above most people as she works on the till in a local supermarket! 


Col said...

As my late and very snobby grandmother would have said, "A shop assistant, oh dear, how quaint"!

Anonymous said...

Your neighbor the shop girl just sounds jealous and miserable. I would hate to have her life! I think she is/was always unhappy. Nothing to be done for it, if she won a million cash, the notes would be wrinkled or the wrong way around.

Jeannieuk said...

Hester, your post did make me laugh. Then I thought poor people, their life must be lacking something for them to indulge in such negativity.
I think Joyce has got it right.

Margie from Toronto said...

OMG! That last bit made me laugh - how did you keep a straight face?
As others have said - I don't think it would make any difference where they lived - it would never be perfect enough to sit. What a sad way to go through life.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...