Wednesday, 20 June 2018


I swear that one day I shall be arrested for committing an indecent act in a public place, but I'm innocent I tell you, innocent.

Let me explain, the weather is very changeable at the moment so I tend to wear layers, sometimes I'm a bit chilly, sometimes too warm but I cope.

CHS on the other hand cannot cope unless he is the correct temperature at all times.

When he is steering the boat it's jacket on/jacket off every couple of minutes. This is fine.

The problem starts when he wants his jacket zipped up, he tends to crash into the bank if he takes his hands off the tiller to do the zip up so it's safest if I do the zip up for him.

So there I am, on my knees, so he can see over me and keep steering straight, my face is level with his groin and my hands are in a similar place whilst I struggle with his jacket zip.

We have received a few stunned looks from other boaters and from people on the towpath, one day someone will make a formal complaint and I could be arrested!


Jeannieuk said...

He he he! I’ve now got a mental picture going on in my mind that I really don’t need! I keep chuckling to myself and the OH wants to know what’s funny......

justjill said...

If while you were in that position and he did crash into the bank - well we could draw our own conclusions....Thanks for making me laugh!

The Weaver of Grass said...

You will then have to give a demo in the Police Station but whether they will believe your version is anothr matter.

Anonymous said...

I guess those of us readers who believe in your innocence could go your bail.

flis said...

Well that's your story Hester x

Chris said...

You're a scream, Hester. It must be fun to share a boat with you - hope your hubby appreciates you!

cumbrian said...

They're only jealous!

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

You crack me up Hester, there is never a dull moment.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...