Sunday, 3 February 2019

Meanwhile back on Planet Earth

My beloved is full of grandiose plans for looking at hundreds of boat spread all over the country until he finds ' The Perfect Boat'.
He loves the attention from salespeople, otherwise known as bullshit, he loves the journey to the marina, the overnight stay and the meals out.

Bearing in mind we haven't completed on the house yet, and until we do there is no money to spend. 

I hate the driving, the bullshit and the strange beds.

If we were to buy a boat from any of the places he's interested in we are then faced with getting the boat back to where we are moored.

Great expeditions are being planned via the River Severn or the tidal Thames, maybe even across the Wash.

These journeys of course will take weeks, weeks when we are paying to keep our existing boat in a secure marina at a cost of £70 per week, weeks when we cannot sell our boat as it is still full of our crap.

Weeks moving the boat for 7 hours a day, this by the man who needs a lie down after taking our boat for a pump out, which takes about 20 minutes.

Alternatively we could pay to have the boat transported by road for a mere £3000+.


Rambler said...

Does your day-dreaming CHS read your blog? Lol, lol. Bless him.
But if his dreams of travelling to places new encourages him to get fit and well again, it's all for the good, innit?
I do admire your patience and ability to keep your mouth firmly shut!

justjill said...

Oh dear! Do you really keep your mouth shut. Roll your eyes? He must be getting better.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

My hubby has a tendency to forget the finances and logistics when it comes to something he's after. I feel for you.

Hard up Hester said...

Rambler, no he doesn't read my blog.
Jill & Tania, he's not playing with a full deck at the moment so I try to be patient.

Sue said...

I had 3 strokes 3 years ago, and while I know everyone is different, the fatigue started to improve at about 6 months and kept improving until I was almost back to normal. Hang in there - I know it must be very difficult. I'm sorry everything is on your shoulders!

Hard up Hester said...

Thanks Sue, I know all we can do it keep battling through. I'm glad to hear you have improved so much.

Sue said...

Men ... they really are from a different planet!!

Sol said...

Hey Sue, rather than pay someone to move it for you what about this for an idea. A few years ago we wanted to get out yacht masters and for this you have to log x amount of miles sailing. We booked a holiday through a company called nielson and we sailed their boats back from Greece to England. I PAID THEM, for this practice. Could there be people in the Narrow boat community that would love to help you? People who maybe love being on a narrow boat but just cant afford one of their own? Maybe they would be happy to move it for you, free of charge just for the experience? Worth a thought... You have time to advertise for this. maybe there is a forum or a facebook page of narrow boat enthusiasts that would love this. Good luck!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...