Thursday, 28 February 2019

We're going on a boat hunt

Well not so much a hunt, more of a viewing, we have a couple lined up.
Best of all, because I don't drive in the dark, we are staying overnight in a hotel. I do love it when someone else cooks breakfast!


Hillybean said...

How I wish I were looking for a boat, actually I was today in a non reality sort of way.

Rosie said...

Good luck with the viewings! I so agree about the breakfasts it seems so luxurious.

kelley said...

Have fun with the boat viewings... I love any meal someone else cooks for me..

The Weaver of Grass said...

Yes, I am afraid I am a hotel person too - camping is my very worst nightmare.

Sue said...

I don't do it often at all so staying in a hotel is a luxury for me. Enjoy and good luck!

JanF said...

This is going to be fun and will cheer you up no end! I am very glad for you!

thelma said...

Happy days ;) My best hotel breakfast was fried eggy bread, with a small pot of honey on the side and crisp fried bacon....

lynda said...

Enjoy the hunt! I'd love a hotel break!!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...