Thursday, 14 February 2019

Now there's a terrifying thought.

No doubt some of you who have followed my blog for years will remember that the final straw that finished my first marriage was my husband's insistence on swinging (wife swapping).

I read recently that the Krankies were avid swingers, I think if they had presented themselves to my ex that may have killed his desire to swing, stone dead!

His  polyembolokoilamania was doing a good job of ruining the marriage all on it's own. I'm suffering currently from one of the medical problems caused by this, it's a re-occurring problem.

I must be one of the few people who can  shock a Dr or nurse as they are usually pretty blasé about most things. I usually manage the problems myself but occasionally I need treatment, when this happens I write  polyembolokoilamania on a piece of paper and suggest the Dr googles it, it saves me trying to pronounce it as well as explaining the symptoms.


Jeannieuk said...

Wish I hadn’t looked that up! I’m so sorry that you had to endure that man and his “hobby”. I thought I had it bad with my ex’s inability to keep it in his trousers but nothing compared to you. Big hugs xx

Catriona said...

I am sorry you had to endure this but angry that it has left you with lasting effects. You are so matter of fact about this and I admire how you cope with everything that seems to happen in your life.

Bonnie said...

Just googled it, n omfg😲😲😟😟

The Weaver of Grass said...

I can understand why you wish to live on a boat and away from civilisation a bit.

Crafty red fox said...

Oh my dear. I’m so glad he’s out of your life.

Winters End Rambler said...

Ouch x

Anonymous said...

Well that son of a bitch! He probably wonders why you left him...alive

Eilidh said...

One word Hester....karma :)

Pat said...

Oh my goodness - something I'd never heard of. "Objects" makes my mind boggle as I can't imagine what they could be. So sorry that you had to deal with that, and that you're still dealing with the after effects.
The Krankies? My mind boggles again!

kate steeper said...

well that was an informative read on google having once worked on A&E many years ago I can state never before had i realised the inventiveness of the human mind and what some rather unusual things people do for pleasure

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...