Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Roast dinner pie

I used to make this regularly when my kids were all at home but I hadn't made it for ages until today.

I always wait until I've collected CHS from stroke club before I decide what to cook for tea as I don't want him to eat the same meal twice in one day.

He had jacket potatoes with tuna, cheese, beans and salad today.

I had some leftovers to use up, a cooked sausage, two stuffing balls and a few slices of chicken so added it all to a thick gravy, topped it with pastry and served it with Charlotte potatoes, buttered cabbage, carrots and broccoli.

It was very tasty, it cleared a space in the fridge and saved wasting any food.


Fishcake_random said...

What a fab idea! I'm definitely going to give it a try x

Sheila said...

I love using up the Sunday lunch leftovers either in a pie or or just bung everything in a pan with some stock to make a soup.

Susan Heather said...

My favourite meals are leftovers. Sounds delicious.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

What a fab idea.

Sue said...

Sounds wonderful. We love leftovers. But believe it or not, I have several friends who say their families won't eat leftovers!

Margie from Toronto said...

Sounds yummy - and I'd definitely do something like that.

Anonymous said...

sounds lovely I remember reading about Christmas dinner pasties the lady froze leftover bits from Christmas lunch then in jan made similar to you

Icey said...

I love roast dinner left overs, I fry it all up with a poached egg on top and loads of brown sauce. Christmas dinner left overs are the very best :)
My husband will only have roast dinner left overs if it resembles the original dinner! No idea why but that's how he likes it

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