Monday, 4 February 2019

You couldn't make it up.

DD told me something funny yesterday, she and her siblings visit their grandma Edith in the nursing home fairly regularly, Edith has dementia and breast cancer but is still going strong. 

Anyway Edith decided she no longer used the very ancient pc that she had taken to the nursing home with her, so she asked DD to collect it next time she visited.

Somehow my ex got wind of this and decided that the pc may have some value and thought he should have it rather than DD. 

To this end he visited the nursing home before DD to claim the machine, bearing in mind the pc is about 20 years old I have no idea what possessed him to do this. 

Unfortunately as he has never visited his mother in 10 years she has been in the nursing home the staff didn't recognised him and when Edith refused to let him have the pc and an argument ensued, the staff took Edith's side and threatened to call the police. 

So Edith was upset, the ex was furious, eventually Edith's other son who does visit though only occasionally was allowed by Edith and the staff to collect the machine. 

As the ex and all the male members of the family have top of the range, state of the art pc's/laptops/tablets etc, heaven only know what was going through the ex's mind. 

Best of all, DD was going to pass the pc on to her dad once he said he wanted it as she all to pleased not to have to dispose of it herself.


Witch Hazel said...

Maybe it wasn't the hardware he wanted? Perhaps he's looking for correspondence, or passwords, or her Will, etc? Or to erase stuff he had on there? What an appalling man, how can he noth havevisited her in 10 years?!

Fishcake_random said...

I second the above. It sounds suspicious to me x

Hard up Hester said...

There can't be anything important on it, he has a copy of her will and she only used it to do paid typing work on, I think he's losing the plot.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Strange how insects crawl out of the woodwork when there's a freebie about. 2 years is a long span in the IT world let alone 20 years. I hope they get there just desserts.

Lyssa Medana said...

It's the fear of a penny slipping from his fingers!

Hugs LM x

Winters End Rambler said...

What a silly old f**t x

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