Monday, 30 August 2021

Bank holiday Monday

Two locks and a tunnel was enough today. We run the washing machine when we travel as the engine is running so there is no drain on the batteries. Because the  engine is running that means there is hot waters so soon as we're moored I do the washing up from breakfast and then hang the clean washing on the airer.

Beano and I walked the two miles to the second lock then cruised from there through the tunnel.

We're moored against part of the bank that is the same height as the back deck so I feel much safer. The gangplank is flat and not at a steep angle.

It's perishing cold so no crochet for me today as my hands are really stiff and sore. Beano has snuggled under a blanket next to Steve and is snoozing away. 

Pie and mash for tea and I'll make a banana loaf to go in the oven at the same time. By the time it's cooked the boat should be warm.

Tomorrow unless it's raining we will do 6 locks, it's a flight so there is no stopping between them. They are fairly close together so Beano and I will walk from one to the other.


busybusybeejay said...

That sounds like a hard day tomorrow.Good luck.Barbara

Ellen D. said...

Hope the weather cooperates for you tomorrow!

Chris said...

A very productive day by all accounts. Well done, both of you!

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...