Thursday, 26 August 2021

Moving tomorrow

We are heading back towards Aldermaston albeit very slowly. 

We finally have some dry and sunny days. 

Unfortunately the wasps are out in force, poor Beano is scared of wasps.

I had and upsetting experience yesterday, Steve went with a friend to empty the rubbish. There are no disposal facilities nearby so they drove to the nearest boaters facilities and were gone about an hour.

No sooner had they driven away than the owner of the boat moored behind us came along and started complaining.

It seems he'd heard Steve burp when he'd visited his boat!

He doesn't live aboard he just visits occasionally.

He was extremely abusive and aggressive and ranted on for ages and I was very upset.

Whilst I'll admit it's probably not exactly musical I can think of a lot worse things to hear and it's only occasionally.

I'm not usually upset by idiots but I ended up in tears because of his threats.

What annoyed me most was that he'd waited until Steve had gone and I was alone on the boat before coming to shout at me, he is obviously a complete coward.


Dawn P. said...

AGREED - because ONLY a complete coward / bully would have waited until you were alone, in order to show what a complete rude and obnoxious *** he truly is. Because this person is a MORON to complain that somebody, oh my, burped within their OWN HOME (boat). So sorry he is so sensitive to noises; perhaps he needs to invest in those noise canceling earbuds and wear them 24/7. And he needs to GET A LIFE. Do not let these IDIOTIC MORONS disturb you like he tried to do to you; he is a SMALL MAN.

Diary of a Nobody said...

I am struggling to understand what his problem is , is he trying to say that he never experienced and problem with natural noises , there are worse things Steve could have done .
He would not have upset me I would have told him to f**k off , and get a life .
Don't let this small minded person intimidate you .

busybusybeejay said...

Unbelievable!In these awful times he complains about a burp.What a small man and a coward.Barbara

ShellyC said...

He heard him burp? Dear Lord does he have nothing else to complain about?
Wretched man He needs a talking to he really does.
You need a tape of some noisy and vigorous love making. Close the curtains and doors. Play the tape loudly and rock the boat a little, watch him complain then!!
Cheeky git

Margie from Toronto said...

What a bully - and yes - a coward! You should have started filming him with your phone! Take a photo of his boat's name and registration and let other's know what he's like.

So sorry he upset you like that.

lindsey said...

I’m so sorry that you had to withstand this complete coward and moron complaining about someone else. Feeling very bullied by this person is totally understandable.. Put it behind you and totally ignore someone so nasty and with such bad manners. You are a better person than him in every way xxx

jan jones said...

Probably has a very small D&$# too!! :)

Chris said...

It's hard to believe he could get so upset over a burp! Must be something else up with him. Certainly someone to avoid if at all possible.

Lynda said...

Wish I’d been with you! I have no time for bullies .....

Jaccs said...

To be honest, how petty his complaints were,and the ranting the man is not well mentally, that’s not normal behaviour over something so innocuous as a burp,the stupid man could have had it out with Steve rather than you! Deffo a coward, I hope he doesn’t bother you again!!

Anonymous said...

What a dreadful thing to happen to you! You are correct, he is an absolute coward and bully. I too would have been in floods of tears. I hope that you have a better day tomorrow. Hugs, Jennie xx.

Chris said...

What a bully. He wouldn’t like to be next to our caravan as hubby has rem sleep disorder and some night he screams and shouts.

JanF said...

Nasty, gutless man, probably has mental problems. Steer clear of him now you know what he is like.
Sorry you had such a nasty experience.

Col said...

Oh I so wish I'd been there with you, he'd have found out just how fast I can take a small man with a tiny **** apart verbally!
Wow, he heard Steve burp in the privacy of his own home, perhaps you should feed Steve baked beans until they're coming out of his ears, then send him to stand by the idiot's boat and let him fart himself silly!
I really cannot be doing with bullies, especially when it's a man picking on a woman, and just because he didn't like hearing a burp!
If he ever says anything like that to you again, record him on your phone, video him if possible, but at the very least get his complaints recorded, and then play it through loudspeakers for everyone to hear! Little men such as him should be outed at every possible opportunity!
Of course, to cheer yourself up, you could always imagine him naked, although, maybe not..........
Oh, and remember one of my favourite phrases, "You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have most definitely been found wanting"! X

flis said...

That's awful-If he came near again I think I would get my phone ready to record him as a deterent this and let him know you are doing so-hopefully he will piss off-I would also shout"stop harassing me"-and can he be reported to a waterway authority?x

Debby said...

For corn's sake! It wasn't you that burped? What's he taking it up with you for? And the first thing that occurred to me was that you should have said, sweetly, "Well, I apologize in advance then, because the man farts as well." And then I would have turned and walked away.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...