Sunday, 15 August 2021

Decisions decisions

Steve struck up a conversation with some people on the tow path yesterday. They had a brand new boat the same size as ours. They obviously have plenty of money as they have a house, the boat on the K&A and are buying a second boat to keep somewhere else. 

The husband was a bit of a prat, very pompous and full of himself, he told us how he'd had such a rapport with the company salesman that his boat was special. I've met the salesman concerned, I walked away from him as my bullshit detector was blaring.

The side hatches on his boat had dropped off  and despite repeated promises the company hadn't sent anyone out to do the repair. Or to be more precise, the company has sent someone out with two pieces of plywood to block the holes!

This particularly boat maker has a very poor reputation, We looked at a few before we bought ours and the build quality was terrible.  

I noticed the wife stepping away as we approached, she was obviously afraid of dogs.

I walked away as she was so scared but later that day she came along to ask where they could moor where dogs are not allowed. I don't know of anywhere and hundreds of people walk their dogs along the towpath. They have only had the boat two months and she had assumed that life on the cut would be dog free!


The Weaver of Grass said...

Hates dogs and yet they have two boats???

Hard up Hester said...

Weaver, it seems they didn't realise people on boats owned dogs!

Joyce said...

Methinks a bit of research beforehand and maybe renting a boat would have been in order.
Bet the fella makes friends wherever he goes…not.

JanF said...

Poor woman, a jerk of a know it all spouse and a deadly fear of dogs. Her life must be miserable.
I agree with Joyce, rent first!

flis said...

I hope no little dog does a whoopsie by their boat in the night and creeps off x

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...