Saturday, 14 August 2021


We see a lot of herons on the cut but it's not easy to get a photo of them as they usually fly away.

This morning I watched the local swans picking blackberries on the opposite bank.

Weaver when I lived in Bristol I had a workmate who had a big pond that was full of beautiful huge koi carp. She got up one morning to find a hero from the nearby wildlife park on the side. It has eaten most of the carp!

Susie, the gangplank is metal and has a  checker plate non-slip surface but sometimes the bank is so high that the plank is at a really steep angle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where we used to live, we had a neighbour with a large pond with carp in it. Her husband came round and asked (demanded) that we keep our cat in, as it was catching his fish.
Our cat was a tiny little thing and his fish were twice as big as her and there were never any fish corpses left lying around.
Over the weeks he became very abusive as his fish were still disappearing.
Another neighbour saw a heron fishing there and told him, and it was his wife who came round and apologised !!

Being careful.

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