Friday, 20 August 2021

Wet patch

There is a rather large wet patch in the bed.

How embarrassing, I've pea'd the bed.

I couldn't help it.

My hands are so painful they are hot and sore.

I decided to take a bag of frozen peas to bed.

They defrosted during night.

I haven't actually peed the bed.


My Piece of Earth said...

Funny, but actually not. Your hands must be really sore to have to resort to cold compresses.
Hope you are a little better today.

Rae said...

I'm glad you can still hang onto your sense of humor. Hope you find some relief for your hands. I have arthritis in my thumbs and some days they really ache so I can imagine how much it must hurt when both of your hands are hurting. Ranee (MN) USA

JanF said...

Oh, your poor hands. This shows how very sore they were. Please use them as gently as possible in the next few days ( although I know how active your are).
When I read this, I thought how you might be able to rework it into an Ogden Nash type poem.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Would it help if you put the bag of peas inside another plastic bag?

kate steeper said...

well it gave me a chuckle , i spend ages just soaking mine in hot water that would scald a cat , its the only relief i can get when its bad . And just to add to the fun ive a mouth full of ulcers from the latest crap they prescribed

jeannemarie said...

Try a small dose of asprin before bed. If you’ve a sensitive stomach, take two Tums before. I work a physical job at UPS with RA, and this gets me through.

Being careful.

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