Monday, 27 September 2021

Crap bins

 I bought some crap bins not bins that are crap. I bought bins to store Steve's crap.

Everywhere Steve sits a pile of crap builds up, the pots to store his hearing aids, glasses cloths, drill bits, twine, Allen keys, screwdrivers amongst other things. The problem is that when I want to wipe over a surface I have to pick up all this crap and then replace it. How all I need to do is lift the crap bin, wipe under it and then replace it, problem solved!


ana s. said...

I love solutions like that. Started putting containers in spots that get out of hand. Hubby just lost his hearing aid cord because he does not have a designated container. (and the cats might have taken it too.)

Frugally challenged said...

I have a crap trolley. I can wheel it wherever I want to be. I thoroughly recommend it

crafty cat corner said...

Brilliant idea, I have the same problem with Tom. Glasses wipes, cables, tissues and other accouterments of his strewn all over the lounge but never in the place he wants them, might take a leaf out of your book and get him a crap bin. lol

Eleanor said...

My husband is the same as Steve and Briony's husband. Crap everywhere. Another annoying thing is when he opens letters and chucks them on the floor near his chair but doesn't even bother to put them back into the envelopes. Men ....grrr.

pat chester said...

My husband is like that and makes a mess of everywhere. He puts things on any flat surface which never seems to be clear enough to dust.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...