Monday, 20 September 2021

Stocking up

The wardrobes are gradually filling up with food, we will move on Tuesday I think as we should be stocked up then. It will take us two weeks to reach the next supermarket.

I only have a small fridge and freezer so it takes a bit of working out. I manage to make our milk last two weeks by buying a combination of fresh, Cravendale and long life. Steve doesn't like long life but if I mix it 50/50 with fresh he can't tell the difference and so will drink it. 

Bread is more difficult, Steve likes toast for breakfast or lunch a few times a week, he only likes a certain type of bread and each load has only 18 slices. I've not found a sliced bread that keeps for two weeks and I don't have room to freeze any. I use part baked baguettes but Steve doesn't like them toasted.  I keep popping n a selection of wraps and bagels for me as that leaves more bread for Steve. I am also capable of making bread but Steve won't eat it.

Once we are back in the marina I can walk to buy bread, it's only a couple of miles there and back.


Chris said...

I guess you have to be pretty well organized for life on the water. Some of your strategies are quite ingenious!

Anonymous said...

There must be plenty of advantages to counteract the disadvantages you seem to encounter. I could maybe put up with it in the summer but I don't think I'd like it in the winter!

Heather said...

When you are at the marina, are you able to have a supermarket delivery. A bit of a hike for bread but I suppose you are used to walking. You must be very organised.

Anonymous said...

You're very accommodating, if Steve was my husband he'd be going hungry!

Kath said...

To Anonymous - Steve has suffered a stroke. Rather heartless to deny someone who's had a stroke the bread they enjoy don't you think?

Dotty Baggins said...


lindsey said...

Your daughter must be an amazing lady and a testament to your upbringing. Having been in care myself (many, many years ago) I really admire what she does. Please give her my regards and best best wishes for what she does x

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...