Thursday, 30 September 2021

Pat B

 I'm sorry your dog is so scared, Beano is a rescue also. Beano was also scared of other dogs and unfortunately this showed as aggression. With hard work and gentle encouragement Beano is now a different dog, he is friendly and sociable.

I'm sorry my light hearted anecdote upset you so much that you hate me.

Nowhere in my post did I say Beano raced towards another dog, I said he ran, Beano is a cross breed , mainly Jack Russell and therefore has the typical twisted front feet along with the luxating patella. He has an uneven gait and unless he is terrified and running in fear his running speed is slower than my walking speed. He was running towards another small dog who was also off the lead and running around.

Beano will ignore me if he's chasing rabbits and squirrels, before anyone else tells me off about this he doesn't have a cat in hell of catching them! He also doesn't chase cats. He is very respectful of cats so I assume he's lived with a cat at some point.

He has good recall, he won't come if he's called but he will stay still and wait for me to put his lead on.

Have you considered hiring a dog walking area, we used one when we had a reactive dogs staying with us. It meant she could be off the lead for a good runaround without worrying about other dogs.


lindsey said...

Beano sounds such a lovely little dog. You were lucky to find him and he you. Perhaps people who have dogs that are not very sociable or nervous should keep them on a lead or not take them to public places 🦮

Pat B. said...

I'm not interested in Beano's habits or traits, his gait or anything else you write about in your effort to excuse yourself from the fact that you allowed your dog to approach another dog uninvited.
I told you that my dog is so scared of other dogs that he cowers to the ground and wets himself if another dog approaches him. He's able to tolerate dogs that are well controlled on leads. Your dog was not on a lead and approached another dog.
Your explanation shows you to be one of those owners who gaily callout "It's ok he's friendly" as their dog approaches mine. If you wish to carry on excusing your behaviour as being acceptable that's up to you but I can assure you that someone with a scared dog would not find it acceptable. Yes I do hate the owners who let their dogs scare mine, in the same way that I hate animal cruelty of any kind.

Lindsey - regarding your comment that I should keep my dog on a lead or not take him to public places - I do indeed keep my dog on a lead and that's not a problem, it's the people who let their dogs approach mine when they're not on a lead that is the problem. My dog is perfectly happy walking on his lead but not when dogs off lead approach him. Your suggestion that he shouldn't be taken to public places shows your lack of knowledge in integrating a nervous dog into society - why should
a dog be kept shut away when it is perfectly behaved out in public on the lead and is happy and calm until another dog is allowed to run free to scare him?
I have fostered many dogs for our local rescue centre over the years and worked with their animal behaviourist, some of the dogs are unable to be rehomed to the public because of their deep rooted anxieties caused by previous experiences, I've got three such dogs which will remain with me for the rest of their lives.
Integrating a dog into society takes time, patience and kindness and it sickens me that other dog owners can't recognise the fact that a dog may have been so traumatised in the past that it's scared witless by being approached by another dog off lead.

Sansthing said...

I agree with Lindsey. My Yorkie is not sociable so I have never let him off the lead especially since the dogs he really disliked were much larger and could have had him for breakfast. Now he is old and blind, poor soul, and doesn´t even know they are there.

Debby said...

I think that a dog owner should tailor his/her dogs outings to their dog's comfort level. A dog that is uncomfortable around other dogs is sure to be traumatized by being taken to a place that permits dogs off leash.

walking in beauty carmarthenshire said...

Some people dont have any sense of humour, do they.
I expect that the owners 'getting upset' doesnt help a nervous dog though.
I enjoy your posts and humour ,Hester.

Nicky said...

Pat B - I rarely comment on blogs, but I feel I have to this time. You are completely missing the point that Beano was chased by another dog. I am not even a dog lover but I find your comments rude and unhelpful. You have the basis of a good point wrapped up in vitriol together with a misreading of the original post. It would be great if you could reflect on this and perhaps offer something more constructive.

Floss said...

'Pat B' perhaps you should stop reading the blog if it provokes such a reaction?
Having read from before Beano joined the boat, I know that for him to enjoy a fame of chase with another dog is a huge achievement for him.

Regularly taking a dog to a place where they are traumatised by other dogs doesn't sound very caring. Perhaps a different, less busy place for walks could be found?

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...