Monday, 27 September 2021

Very entertaining day.

Yesterday there was a canoe race on, it's a yearly event.

About an hour before the canoeists arrived a fisherman turned up, he set himself up on the wharf where the canoes were to launch from.

The wharf should be big enough for the fisherman and the canoes but the fisherman set up two chairs, a table and an assortment of trolleys slap bang in the middle.

When the race participants arrived they tried to persuade the fisherman to move but with no luck.

Then the trip boat arrived, so the wharf was full of launching canoeists, their families and supporters, boat passengers and the usual Sunday visitors. Chaos reigned for a while but eventually everything calmed down and the fisherman fished on.

Steve and I were sat on the back of the boat enjoying the weather when a man approached us and asked us.  "How much and for how long?"

He wanted us to take him and his wife on a boat trip, they'd seen the trip boat but didn't want to be on a boat with other people.

Steve explained that we weren't for hire and that the boat was our home.  He couldn't understand why not.

He kept saying "Why have a boat if you don't do trips".


Dawn P. said...

And there lies another 'entitled' human being; doesn't get what He/She want, when they want it, the way they think they deserve and then proceeds to be snarky when refused such and such.

Chris said...

Never a dull moment in your life on the canal. Always enjoy hearing of your latest adventures!

Col said...

You should have asked him how much he would charge for you to go and sit in his house for a couple of hours, watching his TV, using his heating, eating his food etc!
What a particularly stupid man! X

flis said...

You could perhaps have asked the ridiculous man if he had travelled here by car and if so-what will he charge to take you to visit your daughter and a return x

Heather said...

Just thinking what a wonderful Giles cartoon your description would make.

Diary of a Nobody said...

When we had a boat on the canal many years ago the biggest problem was the fishermen , there was no give and take with them and they were so unreasonable .

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...