Sunday, 19 September 2021

Family news.

As I said DD1 and family visited today, we took them on a boat trip. We went through a lock along to a winding hole (turning point) we filled them up with snacks and sweets. They each chose a Worry Worm and Friendship bracelets, in total they were here for a couple of  hours and it was wonderful. They brought with them all my Amazon parcels so I now have two new pairs of shoes and three new vest/bra tops along with a new butter dish, some craft charms and some trousers for Steve.

Two bits of wonderful news about the newest foster child who has been part of the family for a while now.  Firstly, he's started to be naughty, nothing serious, but it means he's finally feeling secure and safe. He was far too well behaved to start with, it's nice to see him relaxed. Secondly he's had a sleepover at a friends house the first one he's ever had.


Angela said...

Great news about the child who is being fostered. I'm sure your family's home is a loving, nurturing place where he will feel secure and truly cared for. I admire and respect those who take on this role b its not an easy task, but so important.

Col said...

It's lovely that DD1 is seeing her latest foster child starting to misbehave, he must be feeling much more comfortable and relaxed if he's 'pushing the boundaries' a bit! All children should feel safe and loved enough to have naughty moments, and your daughter and her family are all doing a wonderful thing, putting some normality into a young child's life!

I bet it was wonderful seeing them all after such a long wait, the isolation this pandemic has caused has been incredibly difficult for many, many people.

As Steve is now getting stressed whenever you're moving, have you given any thought to returning to land based living, or is it still a better life for the two of you on the boat?

Take care, Col X

Lynda said...

It’s always wonderful to get your new posts. I feel like I’m hearing from a friend!
Will your daughter have any of these children long term? I had a student in school whose parents would not relinquish her and her brother for adoption, but who permanently lived with their foster family, who they called mom and dad and considered their children their siblings. They lived with them through university, and after marriage still consider them their parents and their children’s grandparents..I love happy endings!

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...