Friday, 29 April 2022


It was the second convoy or maybe the third so there were hundreds of firefighters involved.

This year we didn't  buy a single Easter egg, we've only ever bought small ones as a token but this year we didn't. 

What with having one grandchild who is diabetic and one who is lactose intolerant it seemed pointless. Instead each family was treated to a take away.

We have three birthdays  next month DD2 and the twins all have their birthdays in May.

Yesterday we treated our selves to fish and chips, today we went to the small supermarket for bread. I treated myself to some grapes.

I'm not sure if we are moving tomorrow, we can stay a week, it. just depends what Steve wants to do.


Lyssa Medana said...

We never bother with Easter Eggs. Bear would rather have the money as he says that the chocolate tastes awful.

So glad that your son is home. You must be so proud of him.

Chris said...

Now I have a hankering for fish 'n chips! Hope you get to stay in one spot for a few days. I'm sure you both need the rest!

Ellen D. said...

Chocolate often gives me a headache so I never buy the chocolate Easter eggs! Glad you have found a nice place to park for a few days...

ShellyC said...

I bought Paw Patrol toys instead of Easter eggs for the youngest grand children. They had 12 eggs between them!!

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...