Friday, 1 April 2022

Feeling human again

I have to say the last trip really took it out of both of us. I was full of good intentions, I planned a lot of cleaning, I achieved nothing. My get up and go had buggered off.

We've still not had a pump out as a tree came down blocking the canal, it should be cleared by tomorrow.

Steve went to collect his prescription today so I spent the entire day doing nothing apart from walking Beano.

Steve left here at 9:15 and got back at around 2:30. He arrived at the pharmacy and asked for his prescription only to behold that they no longer make prescriptions up in advance. He had to sit and wait whilst it was made up. There were about a dozen people waiting. He has been given two months supply again, I'm not sure why.

A day of doing nothing has done me good I am feeling less like a damp rag. Caring for Steve can be exhausting, he mithers on all day, worrying about the daftest things and it's wearing. Yesterday I went to Tesco's and it was 20 minutes of bliss, wandering around choosing a loaf of bread. Then my phone rings, it's Steve. He wants to know if I'm still in Tesco's, he's waiting outside and he's cold. He didn't think I'd be this long! 

I was telling my daughter about this, she said "Please don't die first mum, I can't make any promises, I'm likely to brain him".

We will be travelling with our friends again for a few weeks in June, that will make things easier as Steve will have someone to distract him.


Diary of a Nobody said...

It was dreadful going shopping with my mum and dad , dad would never come in the shop so all the time mum and I were in the shop she kept saying hurry up your dad is waiting .

Cheryl said...

My 3 daughters-one who is ours and two step daughters have decided if I go first it will take all 3 of them to care of my husband. His mom did everything and stupid me started when I stopped working 25 years ago. He says he can take care of himself but I have my doubts.

Frugal in Derbyshire said...

Ha Ha. Just what my daughters and granddaughters say !

flis said...

I've got big problems here-it's like having a mardy child sometimes-Recently all they had to do was sit in the car with my beloved dogs whilst I ventured into the crowds of the supermarket-As I was getting out of the car all I heard was a whine "I've got no sweets"x

Anonymous said...

I got used to shopping alone during lock-down so now hubby HAS to stay and wait in the car when I do the main shop, I find it far too stressful and distracting to have him with me now. This is because he dawdles and picks random stuff up and saying "I'll give you the money for this" then never does.

Fortunately he now doesn't moan about it or the time (he was a bit taken aback the first couple of time I said her couldn't come with me when restrictions eased tho) fact he usually says "you were quick"! I've now got may shop down to an art as I know where pretty much everything should be and write my list in that order.

Oh what joy!

Today Steve has watched the rugby and checked his blood pressure repeatedly. He is doing my head in! He gets very excited watching the rugby...