Wednesday, 6 April 2022

Long awaited

Today was the long awaited trip to the laundrette, Steve made a huge fuss about it but he'd agreed to go so he went.

We have a washing machine on the boat but getting stuff dry can be a bit bit and miss. I also can only do a cold wash and some things really need a hot wash.

When Steve returned we stripped the bed and remade it, it's a hell of a job as there is so little room around the bed. Also doing the bed with Steve makes my ears bleed! He rants and moans, gets the bedding tangled, shouts and complains. I'd rather do it on my own but he insists on 'helping'. We will be in the area for another week and so will return to the laundrette to wash the bedding we took off today and the rest  of the towels. I may go myself and take Beano. It will give me a peaceful hour or so.

We've had a few really heavy showers today, walking Beano has entailed some mad dashes on and off the boat.

The Wi-Fi signal here is poor, as usual I have more problems than Steve. If he's watching a film I can't get any signal. I've got a few books to read but I really miss crafting. However I realised today that the quilt I made almost 30 years ago needed repairing before it could be washed. So I've cut out a few 7" squares and I'm sewing them in place, I'm also repairing some small fears with embroidery. I can only sew in good light and it's not particularly near but as it's a repair, I'm happy with it.


Chris said...

I'm sure your repaired quilt will be a work of art, Hester! I couldn't even imagine tackling that.

flis said...

I find there are lots of tantrums-then after a while peace returns-Most of the time I find it best to ignore-Big sighs x

lincolnshireexileinEssex said...

Hi Hester,
I wondered if some of the products on here might help you to see better to do your sewing/craft. The little task lights are rechargeable so very portable.
Best wishes Kay

Rambler said...

I reckon you and Beano will enjoy the peace of the laundrette. Oh, will he be allowed in there? Tell them he'd be less disruptive than bringing your hubby!!!
Hope it isn't too far for you to carry the washing to and fro as well as holding on to Beano.

VC said...

Do you dry washing on the roof when the weather is good? It must be difficult in such a confined space. My husband is not a fan of water so no chance we will ever live on a boat.

Rambler said...

I've now got visions of you zooming along at high speed with sheets and towels billowing on a clothes line behind you!!!

Lyssa Medana said...

I call it hleping - looks like help but isn't.

Impressed that you can mend things. I bet it looks great.

JaneB said...

We call it "holping" in my family - when my mum (Margaret) was very small, she used to announce "Margot holp!" and these were words my grandma dreaded as they usually meant things like cold cream lovingly rubbed into a wooden table or similar messes (and strains on the budget - this would have been just before/during WWII) and the phrase "[family member] holp!" has become embedded...

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...