Wednesday, 27 April 2022

New mooring.

 We moved again today, it's cold and overcast so not really pleasant travelling but we've made to a nice level mooring where no gangplank is needed. We are within walking distance of a shop where I can buy bread tomorrow. There is also a fish and chip shop so we may treat ourselves tomorrow.

We raced another boat to the last mooring spot but offered to let them breast up beside us as they only wanted to go to the pub for lunch. The river here is wide so they could moor without causing  a problem.

Sue Jay, I haven't heard from Chris, I've been following the convoy on FB, they have travelled 1400 miles, 700 on blue lights through 6 countries and delivered 20+fire service vehicles.

I've persuaded Steve to light the fire, he refuses to admit he's cold and will end up feeling unwell. I told him I was cold so he lit the fire.


Lyssa Medana said...

I'm glad that you have a good mooring. It's cold enough to need a fire. We're shivering here!

Lyssa Medana said...

And I hope Beano gets a warm spot under the blanket with you!

lindsey said...

I’m with you regarding the fire. Although it has been bright and sunny it is still chilly here in Northern Ireland so we are having a fire most evenings. So glad to hear that your son has reached his destination and I’m sure they will have been well received. Are you allowed to tell us the Facebook page where you get news?

ShellyC said...

It's all looking very good on the FB page.
They are all very good, going out there in there convoy to help out

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...