Sunday, 24 April 2022

Who needs sleep

The convoy my son is with has reached Poland and is now heading to Ukraine. I shan't sleep well until I know he's back safe.

There are some brilliant pics of the convoy on FB loads of fire engines and lorries full of equipment.

We moved today, we're not on a good mooring but it's only overnight, the towpath is quite narrow and we take our life in our hands when we step off the boat we just have to hope there isn't a tribe of lycra clad morons heading our way.

Jaccs, I've been told that an abundance of food increases the amount of drakes. I have been known to wield the boat hook in an attempt to rescue a drowning duck.


susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

I will be keeping your son and you in my prayers. I hope you will be able to start getting some sleep soon. Through the 18 years my son has been in the military, he served in several different locations. There were two places that he wasn't permitted to even say where he was. It was very worrisome and I lost a lot of sleep during those times and prayed a lot, and watched way more news than was healthy for me.

Take care and I hope you are able to get some sleep as your mind adjusts to the situation (even though that is not easy to do).

Lyssa Medana said...

Keeping your son in my thoughts and prayers.

flis said...

Do you know approximately what day he will return back home?x

Ellen D. said...

I would be worried and sleepless too if my son was traveling to Ukraine. Wishing him safe travels!

Rambler said...

I understand how you feel; my son is presently working in Iraq. Mothers always worry despite assurances that all is well.

Debby said...

Thinking of your son. With his trip, I'm sure that having a good internet connection is critical to you right now.

VC said...

How proud of your son you must be as well as worried. Thinking of you all!

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...